About Me

Friday, October 3, 2008

So is your mom black?

Okay, Okay, Okay... so I know this whole biracial thing is starting to get played out. I mean who isn't biracial, multiracial, mixed heritage or whatever other PC terms we use? The number of biracial race people in this country is on the steady incline...trust me, I do research ;)

But lately my race seems to be the subject of all first date, first meeting conversations. It usually goes a little something like this "so where are you from?"...I answer, knowing those three little words are on their way out, if the person is really nervous about asking I will usually get a "I'm not sure about asking this " type of question. Which will normally be something to the effect of "so where did you go to undergrad, what was your major?" Then it hits me, those three words I can practically predict, maybe I will make up something really exotic...I'm sure they would enjoy that!

"what's your ethnicity?" AHHHHH! For the umpteenth time in my 22 year biracial life, I take a deep pause, thinking about what deep political conversation will soon arise after I unveil that mysterious DNA double helix circulating within me. "I'm Mexican and black."... happy now?

Then comes the....oh okay, I get her now. So this scene is being played out yet again but this person continues to probe into my life! Now mind you, I just met this individual. "so is your mom black?" What the hell?! Does it matter? In some way, will me having been birthed by the great-granddaughter of sharecroppers put me in the "in" crowd? Does my mother being black therefore make me black enough for you?

In that moment, mean thoughts and witty comebacks are circulating in my head....instead I decline and simply say "yes"- on a good day I definitely would have given them a run for their money.

maybe next week I'll be Irish & West Indian!

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