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Thursday, February 19, 2009

on being grateful

Sounds simple enough right? being grateful....most of us learn its importance early in life, we grow up with phrases like "did you say thank you?" and "don't forget to send a thank you note."

However this gratefulness I have recently encountered is pretty deep, deeper than surface level thank yous. There's a certain joy and happiness that comes with this type of gratefulness.

For instance, this evening while I was enjoying the brief caffeine high from my double shot cubano espresso with my head buried in the works of Karl Marx, a couple came and sat down right next to me.

Setting: cafe/coffee house, comfy leather lounging chairs in front of a fire place with a live jazz band in the background (heaven?)

I just knew my night was going to be ruined when the couple decided to share one chair. Then the PDA starts! Anyone who knows me, knows I'm not a fan- maybe a hug here and there...a peck on the check but no prolonged kisses or touches. I'm not totally dismissing the possibility of me engaging in some form of PDA, but that's another post.

Anyway, just as I was starting to get worked up. I stopped myself and thought how great it is for two people to feel so sure and comfortable with one another. In an instant I went from totally wanting to criticize this couple by placing my own biases on them to feeling a bit of....shall I say...gratefulness.

Why you ask? This couple, loud kisses and all. Reminded me of the possibility of love, the warm feeling that comes from being next to someone you adore so much, you just can't stop touching them.

Gratefulness. Lately I've had this feeling of just enjoying the moment. Looking over a crowd and watching the interactions between people, people relating to people, people understanding people, people showing love to one another.

This type of gratefulness can be experienced only when we let down our guards to go beyond the surface. Experiencing the true essence of the moment.

This feeling doesn't come from birthday gifts or someone performing a favor for your benefit. This feeling is just there and in some way it is up to us to experience. It's all in our perception, when the rains begin to fall...do we get upset because its messy outside? Or do we take a moment and think how grateful we are to have water fall from the sky...helping to nourish our crops, fill our streams, and maintain life?

What are you grateful for?

Until next time.


aerlandeselome said...

Great post! We often forget the little things in life because we are so caught up with other things... but the story of the couple, you gave me a better set of eyes to look at the situation! Thanks for sharing your thoughts and I enjoy your writing! BLOG MORE!

Hu said...

First I'd like to agree with Aerlandeselome, great post! and you should most definitely blog more! Your reflection and thought process written in this form really relay someone who has found bliss in gratefulness. Its beautiful and makes me feel very peaceful.

Second. As for PDA you really explained it very well. It is always important to be mindful of others around you, but like you said when you find that person you adore so very much and feel so very comfortable with,you cant help but to feel like no one else exists around you. Yes very chessy, but the times I've caught myself engaging in PDA those are the very thoughts running through my mind.

Very peaceful post. One of my favs.